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Madison Middle School


Posted Date: 2/24/25 (1:38 AM)

Week At a Glance
February 24, 2025
Defy pic
What's happening:
  • Track: track starts next week on Monday, March 3. In order to start practice on the 3rd, students must have their FinalForms (FF) online registration completed, and a sports physical uploaded to FF or turned into the office! A couple of these forms need to be electronically signed by the student themselves, and we're seeing many parents are not having their student do this. Please make sure you sign in to see if all your forms on the left side of the page have been completed and/or signed (ignore the "Cross Country Permission form). THERE ARE NO PAPER FORMS. You can pay for track here, or with cash or check in the office. We ask that all track fees be paid before the first meet starts (March 20th). GO MONARCHS!!
  • Winter Activity Night: has been rescheduled for Friday, March 7th! The $5 entry fee can still be purchased in advance via SP here, or at lunch on the day of, and these students will receive Fast Entry bracelets. Students may also wait in line to pay at the door. If you volunteered for the original date, but are NOT able to help on the 7th, please let us know. Yes, we are still looking for more volunteers!
  • McTeacher Night: is Thursday, Feb. 27th from 5pm-7pm! Bring your family and come have dinner. You will be served by an assortment of Madison staff, who will all be having a lot of fun. This is a fundraiser for our Madison Parent Group, who will get a percentage of the proceeds. Can't wait to see you all there.